Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Chloe and I got jeans, finally. Both from Forever 21, and both wonderful!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Today is my friend Camille's sweet 16, so I decided to do a post about her style. Camille's style is just the right mix of buttoned-up scholar and vintage feminine. I love it! Here are some things I could picture her wearing

Listen to this while you look at them! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQPMsYqt7mM


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Beautiful Dress, a Beautiful Day

Every holiday, my friend Sophie, a beautiful person and one of my life-long inspirations, buys a dress from the local thrift store. She picks unsusual dresses that most would probably overlook, but something about her presence makes them beautiful. Last week, she honored me by letting me borrow 2008's Thanksgiving dress. I wore it to walk aroud our quaint little downtown area on the day after Easter. The dress is such a statement-making piece that I needed only accessorize with some sunglasses and sandals. The weather was beautiful that day, and there were lots of flowers on my path. I hope you enjoy these pictues as much as I enjoyed this day!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Chloe and I go see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Last month, Chloe and I took a trip to our favorite store, Goodwill! We found lots of fun things, including my Morp* dress (only 15 dollars, and what a beautiful piece of work it is!) That night, we went to see a production Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at a local theatre, and decided to display some of our new findings. Here they are!

Me: Turtleneck: Inherited from Great Grandma, Skirt: GOODWILL!, Shoes: Shoefle (our beautiful local shoe boutique.)

Chloe: Dress: GOODWILL!, Shoes: Shoefle again.

Chloe: Boxers: Old Navy
We came up with characters to go with our outfits. We're college students from the early 60s. I'm the more subdued, studious one, while Chloe is my uber promiscuous roomate. We go out on the town Friday nights, when Chloe gets lots of numbers from cute, older rich boys in fraternities. I seek out the nerds studying Greek plays in the corners, strike up a conversation, then gradually lead them back to Chloe's and my dormitory (Chloe doesn't know this part. Don't tell her.)

Vivacious personalities: Our own creation.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Every single one of us is twisted by design

If there is anything I hate, it is a fashion slump. Which is what I was especially experiencing this week. Every morning, I just didn't have as much excitement looking for outfits and was throwing on whatever I can find without much attempt at style. They haven't been AWFUL, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't trying as hard.

However, I promised myself that since the grading period was over and I don't have as much to worry about, I would spring back into my previous fashion status. I'll certainly be more interesting from now on.

Two outfits outfits I actually chronicled during the last few weeks:

shirt: CSM/ pants: Gap/ cardigan: Amelia's/ jewelry: inherited

I liked this outfit a lot. It was incredibly comfortable and fit me rather nicely. I also wore it as my own personal sign of rebellion to the weather we had been having. Everyday either lost or raised about ten degrees since the day before. Hence the summer-y blouse and the velvet pants.

shirt: idr/ skirt: thrifted/ cardigan: Amelia's (again)/ shoes: old navy/hairpiece: homemade.

I wore this to Amelia's Shakespeare competition (which she won, the lovely little thespian) and was rather proud of it. That skirt is by far my favorite skirt ever and it goes with everything. And by that, I mean I would wear it with anything just because of how much I love it. (Someone needs to buy their own cardigan. Just sayin'.)


But they are nowhere to be found. I had picked up a supposed tip about overalls, but it turned out to be true. Which is hecking lame, considering how much I looked forward to actually buying some. Send me some overalls, please?

I also want these:

Which I may actually end up buying. They're only twenty dollars and not to mention BEAUTIFUL.

random post is random


If You Want to Destroy My Sweater

Then I'll kill you.

I speak for Chloe and myself when I say

This is why:

1. We were involved in an AMAZING production of Titus Andronicus (if you didn't have the pleasure of seeing it, I'm sorry. Twas a beautiful thing. Just imagine the creepiest, most haunting yet exhilarating thing you've ever seen, times 12).
This is what I looked like when I came home from the second performance
This is what you look like after a black guy tricks you into falling into a hole with a dead body and then you get your head cut off because you were wrongfully accused of murdering the emperor's brother.

2. After that, it was just a whirlwind of... high school. If you haven't gone through that yet, I reccomend that you don't. The highest highs bring about the lowest lows, and vice versa. It gets difficult to deal with, and sometimes it makes me feel very grey and cloudy, and just makes me want to swath myself in colorless warmth. I find comfort in my favorite sweater. It's dark grey, cozy, and fits just right. It's a men's sweater, and I purchased it at Goodwill for an English project, then fell madly in love with it.

This outfit brought me pride. That's my photogenic scarf (seriously, I've never taken a bad picture while wearing it) and there's my sweater! Here's a better look at it:

Do you see how jubilant I look? It's all because of the sweater. It's the cosy, knitted equivalent of a hug.

This sweater keeps me stable when I'm feeling like a hurricane inside. The sweater, and these people:My family! Not biologically, but emotionally (for lack of a better word). These, plus a few more, who I wholeheartedly love. I don't know where I'd be without them. They're the people equivallent of my favorite sweater.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

After-School Specials

Remember my cartoon challenge? Well, I tired my best to create versions of old characters. I only managed to confidently pull off two outfits, but here they are!

Pepper Ann from Pepper Ann.

The original quirky misfit. Pepper Ann was independent, sarcastic, and rather mellow-dramatic. Her style was something to marvel at, as well.

shirt: old navy/ skirt: old uniform/ leggings: thrifted

And here you have it. Surely not an exact replica of PA's clashing duds, but you get the idea. I like her olive skirt and blue leggings and all, but I had to make my own version. Using my own clothing. I tried to make up for the skirt with the plaid one, and the leggings with polka-dot ones. Since this outfit is a bit tamer, I figured the two patterns could make up for it. I also wore my glasses and made my hair messy. Much like Pepper Ann. Too bad you can't see my converse in this picture. That was the total Pepper Ann accessory!

Courtney Gripling from As Told By Ginger.

To be honest, I never actually liked this show. Sometimes, I only watched it because it was one of the only cartoon shows where the characters didn't wear the same outfit every day. Courtney was the rich girl. She exemplified this through her lavish investments and her clothes.

skirt: gap/ shirt: old navy/ cardigan: thrifted/ jewelery: inherited

And there. Courtney always wore skirts and usually had some sort of cardigan going on. Thus this outfit. We even have the same hairstyle.

I'll probably try this thing again one day. When I don't have to worry about getting-out-of-this-outfit-in-ease-because-of-rehearsal-ability. I promise to do a better job next time. Ha.
